[@LeeRoy] >Isn't reading any post except this one that was directed at him, since he's already multitasking. While I'll remain sceptic about whether or not those two characters would be balanced match-ups for my characters (Doc Doctor has been given [i]vague[/i] details - which I would prefer remain unspoken of - about what my characters can do, but I haven't given anyone of the site a full idea of it), at least until I have time to look at a character sheet for them, I nevertheless appreciate the open-mindedness. I should make a point though -- for anyone who hasn't actually been seeing all the comments I've made all around the site, or hasn't been reading between the lines in my posts in the arena forum itself, I'm actually not getting involved for reasons beyond just the power tier of my characters. I've got way too much going on, I haven't really role-played on a website in over five years, and the only primary reason I involve myself in battle-orientated role-play isn't for the purpose of competition, but rather to use it as a 'battle simulation' to test new ideas for characters or powers I have in mind. There's currently nothing I need to test, so no need to involve myself in it, especially since I usually run these simulations with my own circle of people. The main reason I took up ELGainsborough on his duel was because I wanted to get some exercise in since I'm incredibly rusty, and no one else had taken up his offer at the time. I picked a role-play duel that was absolutely nothing like the sort I would normally take part in [i]precisely[/i] so I didn't need to get overly invested in it with everything else I've got going on. I didn't intend to take part in a other duels on this forum, and I'm barely even taking part in any IC on this site in the first place for a variety of reasons. So it's a misconception that I only didn't get involved here due to the power of my characters and setting -- I've been planning to not get involved regardless, and have made this clear several times (though you've never really met me - nor read threads I've been part of the OOC of - so you can be excused for not knowing that). The only thing being disrespected has resulted in is an unwillingness to contribute to this place in an OOC sense (getting more people interested in the forum, offering advice and tutorials for people, et cetera). With all that said though, I once again emphasize that I appreciate the open-mindedness.