Two quick breaths, in and out, in and out, get back on your feet you’ve still got work to do. Aegis stood, muscles in his legs straining to lift his lithe body, mostly because of all the additional metal strapped to it. The grass was slick with blood, and his wrist ached, two pieces of evidence that suggested that despite everything he had made good with his spear thrust. All those years of training must have paid off, to pull off a strike like that in such poor circumstance, that was no small feat. The wannabe hero gave himself a metaphorical pat on the back as his eyes glanced over the stricken beast, writhing on the ground less than ten feet from him. Perhaps it would be wise to focus again, things weren’t quite over yet. The monster was in pain, it was wounded, but it could still move. His spear might have damaged some internals, it might not have, but something of the size of the creature would not go down too easily. And if his experience had taught Aegis anything, it was that monsters always surprise you. So, he was going to surprise it. Rather than advancing straight on the stricken creature and risking being cut in half by a swinging tail or having half his bones broken by a stray leg, he was going to give it something else to cry about. In his free hand, an orb of solid rock suddenly materialised, the celestial orb of moon to be exact. It bobbed up and down as he concentrated upon it, staring down the beast, waiting for it to regain its footing, he took one step backwards while he waited to see if it got up, but in truth, he was concentrating on the orb for a different reason. He was going to turn it into a net.