Elizabeth was in the storeroom of the coven's underground lair. "Hmm. Looks like we're running low on distilled moonlight and rose essence. I'll have to go get some tomorrow." She walked out to the Grand Hall. Made long before she was born, the Hall had a 30-foot high ceiling and everburning torches to provide a warm glow. She often came here even when there was nobody around to just sit and think. She'd been doing that a lot recently, wondering how she could ever live up to her aunt's reputation. Mary Anne had made her coven the envy of every other in the U.S., and Elizabeth felt like the coven hated her. How could she lead without their respect? Alex had found an apartment in Carlsford, and was living under a cover as a struggling writer. What he was really up to was research. The hardest part of hunting wasn't in the heat of battle, but in the hours of piecing together many little bits of information to come up with a target. And this coven seemed to be very large. Large enough that if he tried to take them out on his own, he'd be a smear on the walls in seconds. He'd need help to pull this off, but if he could...