[center][h1][color=EF5C86]Genevieve Dupoit[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][center][color=EF5C86][b]Location:[/b][/color] Dining Room[/center][hr] Gene had just sat down when she heard footsteps approach. She inclined her head to look and saw Atticus approach. Having heard him grateful, she gave him a kind smile, [color=Ef5C86]"Yes, I am fine, thank you for your concern. My shuttle has seen better days, of course, but I managed to land it just fine with minimal damage, apart from some cuts and bruises on my own body. Gideon should be coming back with it soon."[/color] She then heard more footsteps and Lionel came behind the preacher. She gave the other man a smile as she rested her head on her hand, [color=EF5C86]"Yes, I went to go meet a client on the nearby planet when things went wrong. I didn't have anything else to do on the ship since matters were resolved, and I am losing some future appointments due to our situation, so I figured, why not? But now, I am back with nothing to do. What are you two up to?"[/color]