[color=silver][color=firebrick][i][b]Kenneth Sokolvo[/b][/i][/color] [hr][u][indent][sub][color=silver]Carlsford - The Golden Cup[/color][/sub][/indent][/u] [hr] Daniel was already up for the day, with coffee brewing for the start of the day and the smell of bread floated in the air as the bustling noise downstairs would continue on for a few hours. Some people would call his life glamorous, others would find it accommodating for its homely feel that came with it. It, either way, was his life that he enjoyed the day to day basis of as a variety of people came through his doors day after day, with his restaurant being a popular tourist spot. Today was no different from the usual schedule as his staff was taking care of things downstairs while Daniel himself surprisingly slept through the bustling noise. Getting himself up as he stretched himself into shape, he looked into his closet as he decided what to wear for the day. Looking at all of his clothing, he picked an outfit out as he laid it out on the bed before picking up his towel in the room and headed for the shower. Steaming the room up as he got out of the warm waters and quickly covered himself before getting himself ready for the day. Looking at his clothing, he recognized the symbol on the clothing's tags "ᛇ" or "Eihwaz" was placed on them which enhanced their sturdiness immensely making normal wear-and-tear rather ineffective. Putting those clothes which were rather comfortable and quickly put on his shoes before leaving his bedroom. Going down the stairs as the shop was having decent business at the moment, he took a good ten minutes blending in and observing the shop for in case anything needed correcting. Smiling as customers of various kinds came through his doors and bought items off his menu which interested him. On occasion, his eyes would advert to a single customer as they enter his enchanted building which were protected with magic from his runes that he prepared. It was the safest place for him as his spells were woven into each other and combined to form an impressive defense. To say the least, this was his home turf and base that no one would so easily intrude or overtake without fighting with their life. However, so far nothing has manage to worry him about that happening anytime soon but it doesn't hurt to prepare for the worst. His experience beforehand has told him this much before and besides, a few weeks to ensure your safety is worth burning. [hr] [indent][sub][color=silver][u]Carlsford - In Town[/u][/color][/sub][/indent] [hr] After his brief observation on the service of his restaurant and checking up on the magical defenses of his home, he left to see what Carlsford was brewing up. With the not so secretive news that the coven in town has a problem with the new leadership in town, apparently some hubris to their tradition that they didn't like. There is also the fact that those witches performing parlor tricks in the town are getting out of hand. It is sooner or later going to attract hunters into this peaceful place where this generation is going to ruin it all. There is only a matter of time before if things don't stop then everything falls apart. Looking around town as he waved to a few people that he knew in town and continued his way through town. Eventually groping his pockets as he checked to see if he had his gun which was concealed, he had a permit to do so. Reassuring him as he felt the handle on his waist, it was just a concern of his which worried him should anything go wrong. With this concern of his taken care of, he continued his walk around town as he sipped his coffee which he had picked up earlier from his shop. [/color]