Ode dabbed medicine on the scars that decorated her body as she checked herself for untreated areas in the mirror. [i]Clean claw marks[/i]. It wasn't the first time a "treatment" had gone wrong. She put down the medicine and cotton on her table bedside and opened it's drawer taking out the usual hot pink sticky not and pen. Biting off the pens cap, she started drawing foreign symbols and crumpled it in her palm, letting go of the pen. Ode took notice her room had scattered clothes and supplies all around, but spared it with a mere sigh.[color=6ecff6]"I'll clean this [i]later[/i],"[/color] she murmured. She opened her dresser and pulled out the regular tank top and jacket with her favorite yoga pants, putting them on as gently as possible. Each scratch was irritated at its touch, but she bared with its little stings. Ode buried her note in the pocket and quickly checked herself in the mirror, fluffing up her hair before leaving her room. Today she would finally get to relax from weeks of studying and helping her 'clients' and finally spend time on herself. Grabbing a pair of sunglasses and a purse, she head out of her apartment's door, checking the lock before walking off to wherever her mood would take her.