[@MiddleEarthRoze] [@Leos Klien] Yeah, they have to all be from Oblivion. I used the wiki page for Oblivion spells specifically. Mm, you guys are right. I thought about that for a split second while writing it but glossed it over. In the back of my mind, I sort of assumed they had an apprentice program (You don't see that in games though, it was jst a figment of my head, I think), but I switched it up. This way works. I think it's definitely better, actually. Though for me in Skyrim, I only had to show off with Candlelight? It was pretty simple actually. I think I got lucky. Another playthrough had me saving up coins to buy a book for the heal touch spell, though. this is what I added [hider=My Hider] When she was 13, Aveca asked her family to take her north to the College of Winterhold to learn, and they did. Her mother was a firm believer in doing what you want to do. At first try, the nice man at the gate told her and her mother that they simply couldn't let in a totally untrained mind, and at such an age, though he would have liked to. He asked her to gain some preliminary knowledge and to return in a few years. Her mother was frustrated, and, determined for her daughter to have what she wanted, they traveled to Markarth and left Aveca with a mage she knew from her life there. He was an Alteration mage named Aenar who worked in the temple. She spent a year and a half with him and helped him with his work, while developing a base knowledge of how magic works and how to preform it. She learned a solid base of novice spells and returned to the College with her family just as she was almost 15. This time, they let her in to learn more after she demonstrated that she had the skill for learning it. [/hider]