[@Leos Klien][@LadyTabris] I would be happy to bet the expensive side only came about after the Collapse of Winterhold, when they became a lot less popular. Less people likely meant less funding, so the prices went up. There isn't much lore that I can find about it in the 3rd Era, only that it was pretty awesome and Winterhold was a bustling city before the collapse. So, I'm happy with the changes you've made there, and you can whack her into the CS tab. [hider=Seal of Approval][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bLLe_ch-IAI/TX9rFS-DUuI/AAAAAAAANdo/vn0UXcatvKk/s1600/0608031301541white_fur_seal_pup_challenging.jpg[/img][/hider]