[@Queentze] [color=mediumorchid]"K...So what's your name? I'm Silvera by the way!"[/color] She skipped alongside him as he went down the aisle, putting stuff into his basket. Her keen eyes observed all the potion ingredients. A silver moth's wing, the hair of a troll...He was probably planning on making some potion. Her hands lay on top of his though when he was about to put a jar of demon horns into his basket. [color=mediumorchid]"I thought they were dangerous. You should be careful."[/color] She knew this guy had magic. She could feel it faintly as well as him being able to take all the magical items as well. Demons horns were...let's say she didn't have the best experience with it. It ended in lots of fire and screaming and cursing. She chuckled at the thought. Most fun she'd had in ages though.