[@BurningCold] I do agree with some points of Leos', but not all. We can forget about the height - I wouldn't consider 6'5'' to be "giant", and it's not as abnormal as your Breton's height, so that's fine. Alongside his muscles and whatnot. You sure like your tall dudes, huh? However, I do agree with the scarring. This is a guy who's made a career out of killing people with just his hands - he will have considerably more scarring than that, especially what with him being in the arena for 15 years. Your skills for weapons I'll only have as novice, considering he trained with them all up until the age of 12, and then focused on his hand-to-hand. Watching people training in the arena is fair enough, but those skills would not be very high. You also haven't stated who taught him magic, alchemy or suturing either; suturing I suppose is a skill one could teach themselves, but those first few goes would be very messy and painful. As for restoration and alchemy - Veeza needs a teacher, or those skills have got to go. As for realism, let's not compare it to the game. One can jump buildings and the surface of water if they have a high enough acrobatics skill, which won't be occurring in this roleplay. I would like hand-to-hand to follow those same mechanics. One cannot punch through a dremora's armour with fists alone. I'm not so fussed about specific biology of Argonians and whether or not the strongest Argonian would be better than the strongest Orc, simply because there isn't enough information like that in canon. Anyway, we'll have to wait for the IC to see how you write this, but I'll trust you to do so realistically. And finally - poor lizard boy needs some money in his inventory. Doesn't have to be much, but I figure everyone in Tamriel - except beggars - will have some septims rattling around in the coinpurses for emergencies. Not that coin will help in the particular emergency the group is currently in, but still. So, to summarise; explain skills in backstory (or alternatively, switch them out for something more likely, or bump them all down to Novice); give him a lot more scarring, and some money.