Ode climbed down from her tree and looked around. One or two people in the crowds could be involved with witch craft and then there was he other few who were [i]looking[/i] for them. If she were to sit back and watch closely, she could see the predators stalking the prey. [i]Not that hunters are always predators[/i], she thought. [quote=@KatherinWinter] [@shagranoz] Roxy kept to the shadows as she stalked her target. The man she was following was accused of being an abuser. Most of the documents that she had found seemed to indicate that the person who had brought him to her attention had been telling her the truth. [/quote] Ode felt a dangerous presence near her. She looked in the direction in where she felt, and saw rough middle aged man. It wasn't his dirty appearance that had caught her attention, it was a demon that would gnaw at him. It was a large demon, one that would rival five of her [i]patients[/i]. Ode ran in his direction, and bumped into him. [color=6ecff6]"Ugh,"[/color] she murmured, [i]shouldn't underestimate his build.[/i] [color=6ecff6]"Sorry about that."[/color] She said, touching his chest, readying her spell. Ode looked up to the demon, and whispered the chants her parents would make her remember to push it from its host. The man would change expressions, one that would look to kill many to A dumbfounded look. He took a step back "Forgive me, I should'a dodged," he rubbed his neck, uncomfortable. She looked back to the demon who would try to eat at the magical barrier blocking away from his host. [i]It would only be temporary.[/i] Ode look back to the man and gave him a lopped smile, [color=6ecff6]"I shouldn't have ran, anyway."[/color] She opened her purse and took out a card with her contact info and gave it toe the man. [color=6ecff6]"I'll be going now, contact me, [i]and only me[/i], if you're feeling sick [i]again[/i]."[/color] Ode walked off, leaving the man confused. "Huh." He looked to the card and back at her, "How'd she know?"