[center][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5698/680ac8409e4bf7ecb05819259d7a2e7b59fd69fa_hq.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=Crimson]Baldur[/color][/h1][/center] [@TheWindel], [@KoL], [@Lonewolf685], [@cloudystar], [@Savo] [hr] Baldur watched with a keen eye as the ball sailed towards its target, eager to see the result. With the aid of his Spirit fusing with him, the boy was able to dodge by just a hair, before being promptly scolded by his guardian. The Orc had won this unspoken contest, it would seem, and Baldur silently concedee the victory to him. It disheartened him just ever so slightly to see the young man rely on his pet to best his throw, but the swiftness of their cooperation overpowered that disappointed with curiosity. They were certainly in sync with one another...perhaps this was how these children made up for their mortal weakness. He thought briefly of his own Spirit, as he felt a very slight, familiar twinge in his forearm. A small cut in the muscle reopened when he threw that ball, no doubt, and the creature within him had begun knitting it back shut. He looked down at his own arm, balling his hand into a fist and tensing up, letting the pain of his wound flare up again. A reliance on sorceries and spirits....this is not how he wished to live. He would not allow himself to grow complacent...Though the creature held him together and kept him alive, he would make certain that, in battle, his strength would be entirely his own. [color=C71585]"You are a sensible man. Few words, subtle presence. I approve."[/color] Baldur looked up from his arm to the sight of a pair of dead, eel-ish eyes staring at him from across his table. The familiar trio of strange girls had come to pay him a visit, and talk matters of business. They were certainly eager in their discussion: no sooner had the kimono-clad girl requested a seat when her violet-haired companion began ordering wine and food. He raised an eyebrow at the trio. [color=Crimson]"It would seem,"[/color] he replied in his soft, bassy voice, [color=Crimson]"that you have already made yourselves comfortable...I've no objections, sit where you like."[/color] When they spoke of hiring him, Baldur's interest piqued. A desire to honor a debt, and an interest in the foes that lay within already drove him to attempt to scale the tower, but an opportunity to earn money doing so was a very appealing prospect. [color=Crimson]"I am a stranger to this city, I'm afraid. My knowledge of this tower is next to none. If you require a guide, you'd be better off seeking elsewhere. I am a perfectly able bodyguard, however...for the right price."[/color] Baldur's attention during the conversation was briefly redirected slightly toward another table, where a flamboyant masked stranger posed and shouted at the top of his lungs. Ah, the antics of drunks.....