Alex watched as Gippal went after the weird crazy girl before continuing her attacks on. The tentacles and the crabs near the wannabe summoner. It seemed the two in the water were making progress as tentacles froze up and sunk within the waters suddenly. Despite this, crabs still eagerly rampaged throughout the deck. Valefor was attacking opponents with his beam while some guy was fighting crabs and oddly talking to them. Whatever, she didn't care, she had better things to worry about. As a two more crabs neared them, trying to snap at the summoner, the crimson haired woman tsked before kicking one in the face to knock it on its back. Her sword swinging to the other that neared the summoner, the blade stabbing it in one of its black beady eyes. It screeched and backed off, while Alex gripped her blade with both hands and stabbed down on the struggling crab that was on its back. The blade piercing its softer underbelly with a loud crack. Despite how she had claimed she would never be a guardian to that brat, she wasn't going to just let her get hurt either. Even if she wasn't a summoner, Alex wasn't heartless enough to let some innocent girl die. Despite how much this girl pissed her off. Growling, she pulled her sword out and slashed at another crab. [b]"Damn things!"[/b] Alex shouted angrily.