[@bluetommy2] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/3a/7a/3b/3a7a3bbf6c77802def3356a26abbbc83.jpg [color=a2d39c][h2]Dr. Malacoda Zatanna[/h2][/color] [h3]Malacoda Penthouse. Gotham[/h3] Malacoda separated the story in his mind, assessing facts that he could reference and making the needed links within his mind palace - Starting with the Pharaoh - the best indicator of time. The name however was not unique - earliest being around 4000 years at the earliest. That is quite a time-frame to work with. A golden age would confirm this dynasty though... He also quickly went through the gods - and while he was open to many things - assumed they were mainly just powerful spirits or multidimensional beings that likes to play god when the whims took them. While he had no proof of this, it had turned out to be the most realistic explanation in the past... and balancing probability he would treat this situation in the same vein for now. HE clearly though of himself as a champion of sorts - his persona indicates serious levels of obsessive behavior, initiative and self confidence. The self confidence however could stem from a disproportionate world view - narcissism, or perhaps a fatalistic hero complex. His willingness towards self harm speaks of great levels of devotion and submission... yet There was also a smidgen arrogance - but then again, it might simply be reflective of his upbringing, to see the unintelligent as being lesser than. He could be a easily maintained ally or a very difficult to control enemy. He took another sip. interesting. [color=a2d39c][b]"Fascinating. What do you intend to do now?"[/b][/color] He looked at the man with a calm, almost bored expression. He needed to be careful with how he proceeded. The world is too fragile to have some time-less tact-less imbecile launch a directionless crusade into the shitstorm brewing on the horizon...