[hider= Clyde] Name: Clyde Hawke Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: [img=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/281/d/7/utau__kori_kazan_by_kurumaru-d5h68c7.png] Region of Origin:Hoenn City of Origin: Verdanturf Town History: Growing up as a child, Clyde was intrigued by all the wild Pokemon that he would see walking past his house and lurking in the woods, even on occasion seeing Whismur come out of the cave and start making a racket when it got shocked at what it saw outside. Clyde also had a brother who was a few years older than him at the time, and on occasion, he would come home and show off some of the new Pokemon he caught to Clyde, who would almost burst with joy at all of them. Even the ones that attacked him at first, he would always grin and laugh at that. And eventually his brother gave him a surprise for his fourteenth birthday, by giving him a female Treecko and suggested that he should go on a adventure to see if he liked being with all sorts of new Pokemon. Clyde was a fan of this idea, and his parents supported it, so that's what Clyde did. He went out as soon as he could, even though his brother tagged along for the first year of his travels to make sure he would be all right. When his brother decided he could do it alone he decided to test Clyde and took him to Kalos where they would both travel around the new region for two years, and upon going their separate ways Clyde ran into this lady who found that Clyde traveling reminded her of him when she was his age and gave him some pokeballs to catch new friends with. After the two years in Kalos, he did catch three new friends and his Treecko had evolved into a Grovyle which surprised him at first at seeing the sight of evolution. Clyde even challenged the first two Gym leaders, even though he did beat them, he wanted to improve himself more and he got that chance when he heard about this Academy in the Orre region. He got into contact with his brother about going there,a nd his brother approved of it greatly. So when the ship arrived, Clyde took it to the Orre region and went straight to the Academy. Personality: Has quite the energetic personality like his Jolteon Flash, which makes most people assume that Flash was his first Pokemon even though he isn't. Some might say he is to energetic and hyper at times, when events are suppose to be serious. He is quite kind though, and always manages to smile even when others yell at him, or wild Pokemon randomly attack him. He loves weird ways to do battle, always trying to figure out how to confuse the opponent. Battle Theme: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPI31zG-5-c] Etc: Species: Grovyle Nickname: Queen Appearance: [img=http://i743.photobucket.com/albums/xx80/TheFifthSigner1/Pokemon%20and%20Bakugan/253.png] Personality: Acts somewhat regal, and will at times ignore other pokemon. Yet during battle she tends to do her own little strategy before listening to orders fro Clyde. Notable Moves: Attract, Leaf Blade, Energy Ball, Leech Seed Species: Jolteon Nickname: Flash Appearance: [img=http://i426.photobucket.com/albums/pp342/wdearth/giant%20eevee%20and%20eeveelutions/a5a1332285d4fc6e72b0b78dc1427c23.jpg] Personality: Very very entergetic, more energetic than most Jolteons. He also refuses to go into his pokeball as he will move out of the way when Clyde tries to put him in it. Notable Moves: Charge Beam, Thunder, Volt Switch Species: Honedge Nickname: Excalibur Appearance: [img=http://digitoll.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/monorpale.png] Personality: Quite the playful guy, as he tries to play with every pokemon even in battle he attempts to play with the target. Notable Moves: Sword dance, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Ball Species: Gothita Nickname: Tia Appearance: [img=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/7/71/574Gothita.png/250px-574Gothita.png] Personality: She is more of the frustrated type, as whenever she is losing she gets angry and start to stomp around. Outside of battles however she is quite timid and usually hides from other pokemon. Notable Moves: Psychic, Shadow Ball [/hider]