[@McHaggis], [@Undine], [@Roosan] character sheet made. [hider=Sebastian Mortimer] [center][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/scrubs/images/4/4e/5x21-Knife-Wrench.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110709090128[/img] [color=yellow][h1]Sebastian Mortimer[/h1] [h2]Ascendant[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=yellow][h2][u]B A S I C P R O F I L E[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=yellow]● [u] N A M E [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Sebastian Mortimer. Also known as Seb if they know him or simply Janitor to people who don't know his name[/indent] [color=yellow]● [u] A G E [/u] ●[/color] [indent]48[/indent] [color=yellow]● [u] G E N D E R [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=yellow]● [u] O C C U P A T I O N [/u] ●[/color] [indent]high school janitor[/indent] [color=yellow]● [u] L O O K S [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Seb dresses like a man who doesn't care what he looks like only that he is comfortable/practical, known to simply not bother changing out of the jumpsuit he wears while working or to simply throw a trench coat over it in winter. Otherwise jeans a shirt and a jacket covered in pockets with various items, including whatever he is reading at the moment inside them. Generally clean shaven and still relatively well muscled, a few small scars accumulated over the years from accidents and one more recent when he accidentally stabbed himself with his power. [/indent] [hr][hr] [center][color=yellow][h2][u]P S Y C H E[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=yellow]● [u] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u] ●[/color] [indent] clinical and a little fatalistic, life has not gone in the way he wanted it to, not that he had much of a plan but this was definitely not in it but thems the breaks. After a lifetime of searching for purpose he had effectively given up on finding something better until the day the universe decided to drop a superpower on his lap. This has given him purpose, while it may not be much now his ability grows a little each day and practicing it gives him a sense of empowerment that has been missing, of potential and of hope for a future where he can control his fate. He hopes to use the potential strength to change the world, to bring down those who currently have traditional power with his new strength if its upper limit is as high as he hopes. Generally enjoys reading, metal music, drinking and communism. Despite his general distaste with his position he has come to enjoy the more maintenance side of his work, learning how to fix stuff is probably the only interesting part of his job so while the school may not be the most clean many of its various boilers, computers, ovens and other machines owe their continued existence to his researched bodges, first with duct tape and now with odd metal growths. While not the most optimistic of individuals he tries to get along with others, particularly those who are in a similar position to himself. [/indent] [color=yellow]● [u] R O M A N T I C I N T E R E S T S [/u] ●[/color] [indent] Bisexual, however he isn’t, and never really has, looking for any romantic relationship, in his mind love is something that other people experience not him. [/indent] [color=yellow]● [u] O R I G I N S T O R Y [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Having spent most of his time in university either drunk or campaigning for socialist revolution he found himself with a relatively poor joint degree in Classics & Ancient History. Drifting from job to job, even a brief stint in the military, eventually ending up in this out of the way town as the school janitor. There he stayed for the next 5 years, generally getting to know the town and being bored out of his skull. After coming down with the sickness and taking some days off he returned to work only to accidentally stab himself when he discovered his power by browsing spikes on a coin straight into his hand and not being able to stop before it hurt him. Using his wound to take another day off he spent it learning how to use his power without self injury, mainly by making lots of small statuets out of coins and nails. Generally keeping this a secret till he can use it to properly defend himself and not just make trinkets, though also on the lookout for others with power, it is good to know who the potential threats/kindred spirits are if you plan on changing the world. Is considering making a suit, or at least a mask using his power.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][color=yellow][h2][u]T H E M U N D A N E[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=yellow]● [u] S U P E R P O W E R [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Metal generation/growth.[/indent] [color=yellow]● [u] P O W E R C L A S S I F I C A T I O N [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Ascendant[/indent] [color=yellow]● [u] A B I L I T I E S [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Allows him to create metal objects – blades, beams, bludgeons, sheets, tubes, spears, needles etc – which extend from solid surfaces around him. Metal can be created on top of existing metal, allowing the creation of more detailed shapes/constructions by overlapping the metal. The blades summoned are made either of steel or of the metal of the surface they grow from. At the moment this is very slow though there is no upper limit to the amount that can be generated and the metal is persistent. The metal is also rather dull and crude at the moment so while in future he might be able to extend blades fast enough and sharp enough to hurt people as they grow, at the moment its more limited to fusing locks shut, making small statuettes, improvised welding, screwing with machinery by clogging their internals, making small weapons/tools on the fly, tripping/ensnaring people etc. The area he can grow metal is rather short at the moment, limited to surfaces in a small radius around himself[/indent] [color=yellow]● [u] W E A K N E S S E S [/u] ●[/color] [indent] the power cannot grow from biological material, so wood, leather, cloth, plastics and most importantly flesh, cannot be used for growth. Also there is an unknown block on growing metal inside someone even if they have swallowed something that it could grown out of. The denser the metal the slow it is to grow. Aluminium is fast, iron and copper are standard, silver slow, gold really slow and uranium would be glacial (this is basically to stop money cheating by making tons of gold etc.)[/indent] [/hider]