[quote=@HalfOfLancelot] [@Wade Wilson] IT'S ALWAYS OPEN TO OG MEMBERS OF THE MUNDANE [sub](i can say this without being a gm because i was told this multiple times and was told i could tell this to other og peeps, i think if i remember correctly oh god don't kill me miso)[/sub] [/quote] FUCK YES I'M BACK SQUAD [sub]PLEASE LOVE ME[/sub] in all seriousness, i'm actually really fucking glad this is back, and god am i getting some nostalgia. i remember being a wee little 12 year old babby, having just joined the guild, seeing this roleplay and thinking "hey, i should join this!". god, this is a little grounding. glad to be back you guys. EDIT: i'm a big dumb and just noticed the disclaimer saying og members are welcome even if it's closed, gg brain