[center][h3]Sapphire Inn - Royal Suite, Main Room 5/7/2015 - Sunday[/h3] [@floodtalon][@enterthehero][@itano123][@Haru Nyan] [@I-am-X][@Sen][@Takaru] [@Reaper][/center] As soon as everyone appeared to be ready, Rui and Kami led the group through. They stepped up onto the verandah and continued onwards towards the long and many steps, it was basically a giant diagonal hallway, the giant doors at the end slightly ajar. They could hear talking from beyond. It seems this was indeed their objective. The decorations around them were gaudy and almost immaculately placed. It seemed almost as if it was freshly made, like there was someone to impress, although that was if one would ignore the content of the decorations. They seemed to be quite... Liberal, all kinds of images of girls. Although none of them were their target at all, every single one was different, and whenever you would look away and look back, the picture changed to another. The context of these walls as they climbed the steps was that of display, the blank and simple backdrop along with plaques that changed just as often as the pictures. Soon, they managed to reach the goal and swing the doors open as they witnessed yet another person's shadow.