[@Leidenschaft] First of all, great characters! Impressed you got two of them done so quickly. They're both great, but you may want to add or change some things in the skills section. For both Engel and Renart, they don't have many skills - I've mentioned on the OP how many you can have in each section, so feel free to add some. For Renart particularly, I think Speechcraft would come in handy, as it's often learnt hand in hand with mercantile. Also, what with the mention of tools for fletching in his equipment, I'd make that a skill as well. Then he'd be able to make bolts on the road. For Engel, again, you may want to add some more skills in. It's optional, of course, but it may come in handy. Ah, also I'm wondering if it's realistic for him to be an expert in one-handed without any training, at just the age of 30. Of course, if Renart has given him some tips as they've travelled, that'll sort that problem out easily. For the both of them, there skills of 1H/2H and Blade/Blunt will be together as one skill, so that opens up another slot for you. When one learns how to wield a one-handed blade for instance, they learn the one-handed technique and the blade technique simultaneously. Therefore, we've made it the same skill. For Renart, it'll be One-Handed Blunt as one skill, and for Engel it'll be One-Handed Blunt and Two-Handed Blunt as separate skills. It's explained more in the first OOC post, take a look if you haven't already. Anyhoo, once you've looked all that over, you can stick them both in the characters tab! Welcome aboard, Schaft. [hider=Seals of Approval][img]http://s.newsweek.com/sites/www.newsweek.com/files/styles/embed-lg/public/2015/06/06/seal-2.jpeg[/img][/hider] [@macabrefox] Brona looks awesome! Likewise with schafty, her skills will be paired together - One-Handed Blades. Other than that, I can find no faults with her. Into the character tab she goes! [hider=Seal of Approval][img]http://www.nebeep.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/potd-seal-_3237728k.jpg[/img][/hider] Feel free to join us on the [url=https://discord.gg/6Wfcg2s]discord[/url] for some shitposting. :)