Star Wars Episode I (The Phantom Menace): After a big party, a dead, ninja Juggalo rises from a pit (resurrected) and begins to give life to everyone he comes across, starting with a dead hippie monk. On some planet called Naboo, a massive droid army is activated after a kid in a spaceship accidentally creates a space station. Now trapped in a planet-wide blockade, the once unified indigenous peoples begin to descend into racial hatred and isolationism, prompting the Queen of the Naboo people and her monk protectors (as well as a small entourage consisting of a battle-proven idiot and the kid) to flee for the Galaxy's capital.
There, the popular Supreme Chancellor of the Galaxy is voted out of office, replaced by a figure deeply despised by many. Meanwhile, the Queen's two monk guardians seek council with their elders as they debate abandoning the powerful child on a barren world in the Outer Rim of the Galaxy. After travelling across the galaxy, the hippie monk loses the kid to a vicious slaver by way of a racing bet, before handing the Queen over to the Droid forces of her occupied homeworld and returning home.