[center][h2][color=662d91]Ridley[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [@Eviledd1984] [color=a187be]"No, of course not! I don't see a problem here at all. In what way could there possibly be a problem, [b]I'M CLEARLY THE CALMEST I'VE EVER BEEN![/b]"[/color] Ridley roared his words in the face of the intervening man. He paused for a moment to pinch the bridge of his snout. [i][color=662d91]'I'm surrounded by inferior species with nothing but a single brain cell between their ears.'[/color][/i] He glared down at the large figure through the gaps between his claws. Ridley never even paid mind to the retreating woman he had struck [@Alisdragon911], but he did notice she left him another drink. He immediately reached for it and chugged it in one go before righting up his seat and sitting down again, giving the wounds on his tail a quick examination before turning his head towards the obese man. [color=a187be]"Tch...... anyway........ just what would have you settling in such a place as this? You're clearly not the adventuring type and I some how doubt you found this place by accident."[/color] Ridley figured that perhaps conversing would help repress his rage. [center][h2][color=00a651]Knutik[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [@Dark Light] With his memory returned Knutik had made his way upstairs searching for the owners room. All the doors seemed to look the same and retracing his 'steps' didn't aid him. He knew though it was in fact the owner's room he had to find, he recalled watching the man return to his room and being curious to see it's interior. He had tried every door within the vicinity of the ominous one from before, phasing through and checking each room only to find that nothing was of interest or strange in the slightest. He stopped for a moment in the hall to think. He soon looked to his immediate right only to reel back in slight surprise to find a door that he could've sworn was never there before. He squinted, tilting his head slightly as if to view from an angle trying to find out if the door was an illusion or not. He hesitantly reached for the handle.