
[color=a187be]"Oil... a component of importance?"[/color] He hadn't heard of the word in a long time, it's use has long since been replaced with more efficient products. [color=a187be]"... No... we use more refined materials to fuel our machinery. It's called Fuel Gel and it's highly abundant on planet Bryyo, home to the Galactic Federation. It's use is of importance to their spacecrafts, so me and my troops pirate it as often as we are able. It's a fine source of fuel."[/color] Sufficiently calmed, he reached behind the bar and stole a random beverage. He poured it into a glass and took a sip. He noticed the man seemed to have his hands in his pockets a lot. [i][color=662d91]'Hiding something?....'[/color][/i] he thought to himself before he took another sip from the glass. [color=a187be]"... Being Military Commander can wear down the mind, so I take every opportunity to visit here whenever the place decides to show itself to me."[/color] His tail swayed absentmindedly behind him as he stared into his glass, gaze not shifting in the slightest [color=a187be]"So... what's in your pockets?"[/color] A smug grin stretched his jaws, knife-like teeth threatening to pierce his own lips.