[center][h3][color=335566]Анна[/color][/h3] "... Just what are you hiding from?" [@Varicke] He had noticed her. That had scared her worse than the creature just being there. A quiet squeak all she could manage to get out as she had slipped under the table once again. The yelling and loud noises made her curl into her safety ball, The heavy coat blocking her from harm. She did appear to be that of an animal. Green grey eyes shone out from the ashen fur and blonde hair that almost covered her in entirety. It wasn't her best idea to get into trouble with big creatures. She hated them with all her might. Taking what they want when they want it. Not a care about the smaller creatures or the natural order. Most she hated were the big creatures who thought of the chain below them as inferior. Crawling out from under the table once more she started walking towards the man who remained calm through out this. Mostly curious on what he was doing watching her. [@Dark Light] Her hair had disheveled quite a bit due too her quick movements. Which had shown, if only for his angle, the scarred remains of claw marks along her neck. Strange it would be to see the marks along her otherwise scar free skin. As if only to show him for a glance her hair drifts back down to cover it. [color=335566]" Helo! My name is Анна. What do they call you?"[/color] Her voice was light yet clear. Like a well rehearsed phrase she must have said a thousand times.