[@Framing A Moose] right so: Choosing is as follows.

Brides are paraded into a fabulous ornate chamber dressed in the finest clothing they owned.
They're lined up.
A horde of Drakken are waiting in the room. first-come, first-served basis- but you can challenge someone for the bride they claimed. It's typically quite violent and brutal, as claiming the "prettiest" bride in the room is seen as a status thing. After this brides are typically dragged off to a dinner and then to the lord's bedchambers.

Your character and Belle's are likely going to wind up with Rynek, yes. Right now Rynek is up to absolutely nothing - he had originally claimed Lienna Orhhneaht, but then Obscene Symphony (who was her player) dropped the roleplay, and I tried to take control of her but I already had five other characters to manage, so we just agreed to drop that storyline. I'd imagine Rynek is going to be brought back with a blank slate for the second night (as though the first night never happened) so, nothing new there.