"He made the trip in the stead of our father." said Gawain, obviously irritated. King Mordred ignored him, keeping his focus on Tristan. "Forgive me, milady, but my presences is required elsewhere. If it pleases you, I would love to see you again. Perhaps we can talk more of swordplay." Replied Mordred, trying to ooze charm. With that, he got up, empited his tankard, and left the tent. He knew he would see her again. ------------------------------------------------------------- The party began to die down late into the night. As many of the guests were returning to their beds, Kay shook Arthur awake. "It's time, brother. We have a date with destiny." Arthur, still thinking this is all a bad idea, rose from his cot and pulled on his tunic. Kay led the way, as quietly as possible, as they left the camp and reached the Grove of the Fallen King, where an old, moss covered sword was thrusted into a great stone.