Anyone is free to the honour of first to encounter Simeon in the street -- just check before you actually post, in case you're slow to the draw. Otherwise, don't worry about making the length mine is. I tend to write long, longer especially for a first post. My expectations are merely that you play with your character and show us a little. The assumption is that each character was given some cryptic message (in some form) to meet in Arberth when the white and blue moon next rose and that there'd be a signal to light the way. Your character could've been in Arberth a month or could just be riding in. They could be bedding some local printmaker or working a small job they picked up at the bar. Whatever you'd like to best illustrate your introduction. Only catch is that I expect each person to come out to meet Simeon by the end of their post. That's just so we can get this shiz rolling. Let the games begin!