[@Polaris North] You can do either or, it's fine by me. It's not like anyone else seems to vying for the position lol. [@thewizardguy] I'm going to make the assumption that you're making 47 basically an adolescent age for these Raiju creatures, else wouldn't your character feel a little out of place or have the constant attitude they don't need to listen to teachers? Just trying to foresee any potential issues here. Other than the age thing, though, I don't have a problem with your character. And technically it isn't a problem as much as it is my being curious. [@MissingOne] I don't see any issues here other than a scarce history. I get you were literally answering my question of what lead you to being at Blakley's, but anything else we could learn about your character before coming to Blakley's, maybe even her attitude about coming to the school might be a little more enlightening. Not looking for like a novel or anything, just a detail or two more. Other than that, you're good to go. [@Silver Carrot] Your character looks great! Basically everyone's accepted, I just have those little thoughts in mind. I'll through up my CSs for my teachers here in a bit since the sign up is student heavy :)