Name: [url=]Nuka Totsuya[/url] Gender: Female Species: Vampire Subject taught: English History: Nuka is not a teacher by choice. She's a teacher because, as she says, Amelia pulled a China on her. Nuka owed a lot of people money and had killed a few too many people in too small an area and had hunters and debt collector's alike coming for her. Amelia managed to deal with both groups "on her behalf," thus making the foul mouthed, usually inebriated, stubborn vampire indebted to her for a long time- too long a time for Nuka to care for specifics. Her repayment method was simple: she would come to the institute, stay sober (the hardest part), to test out Amelia's substitute for her kind of people, and to teach. While the substitute was hard to stomach for awhile, it was at least an easier hurtle to jump than teaching. As far as Nuka was concerned, even with their parents paying for their safety at this "haven," the students had zero interest in actually being in class, they were there to associate with other "freaks of nature" without having the fear of pitchforks and crossbows being aimed at their backsides. However, there was one subject Amelia noted that Nuka had some specialty at after digging in to the world of the woman before she became a monster and assumed a name- digging which irritated Nuka to no end. Amelia realized that in her human days Nuka had been studying to become an English teacher, or at least tutor since it was in a time when women still weren't exactly empowered in any sense of the word. Of course now all the teaching of tact has gone out the window and bad grammar is likely to get a long insult written in glorious red pen, or whatever color pen she happens to find first in her aggravation at modern day lingo. Any clubs you would be interested in assisting in: "You're joking right?" Any requests: -ignored by Amelia anyways- Name: [url=]Nero Zaheer[/url] Gender: Male Species: Gypsy- basically a shorter, less long lived elf Subject taught: Science and art (because the two aren't mutually exclusive in his opinion) History: Nero has spent his life wandering, going from place to place, just learning what he can, and trying to create different poultices for everyday needs and sometimes more advanced things. He is Erynhil's (the counselor) older brother and made his way to the campus at his brother's insistence. He doesn't planning on permanently settling into the school's environment, but he figures that it will make it entertaining at the very least for a little while. He also wants to make sure the school is a conducive environment for his brother, who- even though he's a counselor to help others with their emotions- can be a bit emotional himself. He and Amelia have a respect for each other since both have spent a majority of their adult lives helping others as best they can, often sacrificing their own liberties in the process. The gypsy's are big on their body art, hence why their sister Amera is covered from neck to ankle in tattoos, though she insists they are memories she never wants to lose. Regardless, each of the gypsies has some skill in the arts and in Nero's opinion science itself is an art. After all how is mixing ingredients different than mixing inks and paints? He's hoping his ideas and his view point can enlighten students to the beauty that is science. Any clubs you would be interested in assisting in: Any art club or an astronomy club should students be interested I will play Amelia, Katerina, Elyana, and Erynhil off and on as they are needed throughout, but these two are the main two everyone will see.