Well, after inventing a bland new race of beings, here's my edited CS for Ephira. Let me know if there are any lingering issues. Name: Ephira (Human name: Eliza Rockford) [img]http://kawaii-mobile.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Accel-World.Black-Snow-Princess-Kuroyukihime-Black-Lotus.320x480-8.jpg[/img] Age: 652 (Appears 15) Gender: Female Species: Valionite (Appears human) -Valionites are a race of advanced esper-like beings from an alternate universe that have "magical" abilities that are inherently tied to their emotions and rooted in the subconscious. They are immortal and completely unkillable. Subject preference in order from most to least: Math Science History English Physical Education History: A long time ago, there was a clever Valonite who wanted a planet of her own. On her quest to get it, and with the help of an army of brainwashed subjects, she killed, she conquered, and she carried despair to every nation she touched. After a while, the High Council decided she could no longer be allowed to roam unchecked. Unable to kill the immortal, the Council did the next best thing. They had her defeated and imprisoned. Yet the longer they kept her locked away, the more certain they became of a simple truth - Ephira's powers were fueled by suffering, and that included her own. Eventually, stronger than ever, she shattered the bonds containing her and made her captors kneel before her. It was only after a larger team of warriors responded to the pleas for help that she was again defeated. And, this time, her vanquishers would not make the same mistake. They did not take her freedom, but instead, her memories. By addicting her to a "soda" that suppressed her powers and her knowledge of who she truly was, they wiped her brain of all knowledge of her true race and molded her into a rather a wealthy young human lady with the power of mere bodily regeneration. Unwilling to leave her bored in a gilded cage, they decided that she should go to school. Anything to distract her from her own despair. And so she was sent to Blakley's Instutute for the Supernatural - to spend time with others she thought were like her and to never remember who she truly was. Are you in need of our summer program?: Yes Preferred elective courses: Creative Writing Anything extra pertinent to your attendance here?: Becomes agitated - and therefore dangerous - when asked to do mundane things herself.