Lol I totally will ^^ Ah misery of a background, yes I want to hear his background so please go into it ^^ I like that Brice will come with her, she needs one of her kind on her side. He still will think she has come to attack him at first. I already have a idea of where they can go and it will give me a male character and them a watcher! Major supporting character, yes that's was what I meant about Violet, I just couldn't think of how to phrase it. Okay may I just say that the picture you picked for the Morrok is very attractive, and the way you talk about him the sit back and watch, makes him sound just evil. Which only makes me find him cuter lol. The Morrok and the Elder are also complete opposites as well then lol. I couldn't agree more with the reasons we work so well together. If I haven't said it before, I just love your writing style! And that our personalities work really well together as well, because I swear sometimes it seems we are thinking around the same thing. Not having a plot is almost funner than playing Devin, which as my first male character I love him so much. It seems so easy to play him! Posted by the way.