Zenji looked at Masuto when he asked to join her. She was about to say it would be best her for her to go alone as flying over to the island was ultimately the best route to get there and although fire benders could propel themselves into the air, flying that distance would only slow her down in the end. However, she never got a word out before Han was explaining that not everyone knew she was an airbender and he had only figured it out through their conversation. She nodded her head slowly and opened her mouth again to reject Masuto's offer when Zhou walked away from the house and toward her saying that they weren't going to split up. She sighed and lowered her head slightly, she just wanted to get out of the city as fast as possible. Finding and taking a boat that would take them into the middle of a crime scene was going to prove increasingly difficult. If she could find Diki on her own and fly her to the harbour, it might attract attention but at least they would get out of there in record time. The rest of the team, however, seemed to be completely against that. She leaned against her glider and sighed, "Well, let's go then... We'll have to find someone to take us to Air Temple Island... which is going to be hard enough with it being under... investigation right now," She bit her lip slightly, "And Han here got his information for someone and I'm sure he is not the only person they are telling." She moved her glider on her shoulders and hung her arms over it, "Let's go," No more standing around, they needed to start moving and the more they stood there the sooner people were going to start figuring things out. She slowly started to move towards the docks at a slow pace to allow everyone to easily follow behind her. ~~~~~~~~ Nyima looked at him and feigned shock, "You have friends other than me! It is a miracle," she laughed a little and rested her head against his as they sat watching the group. When she watched Zhou walk toward the airbender, who had already stepped away from the group, she picked her feet off the ground. She kept her eyes on them, watching as the airbender slowly started to walk away, she wondered slightly if the rest were supposed to follow. Her hands moved hands slightly as she grabbed his shirt, "She's going with them right?" She relaxed slightly when the rest followed. She grinned and released his shirt from his hands, "Oh good," she looked at Rayn, "Things are seeming to have a good start...."