[b]Name:[/b] Carnel Novell

[b]Sex:[/b] Male

[b]Age:[/b] 19

[b]House:[/b] Dark Magician House

[b]Duel Disk:[/b] The Zexal duel disk, colored dark brown.

[b]Personality:[/b] Carnel is normally seen as a chill and polite guy, perhaps best described as being a gentleman. Wherever he goes, he greets people with kind smiles and polite greetings. If disputes happen around him, he usually takes the time to try to defuse them and make everyone smile again. He may even make an occasional joke if the situation is appropriate.
Underneath, however, Carnel is a guy who is easily irritated. Rarely does he find someone he thinks he can trust, and dislikes a certain label that was often placed on him at home. While he maintains a calm demeanor, oftentimes there is a twitch that gives away that part of his nature, usually an eyebrow twitch or a sudden clench of his fist.

[b]History:[/b] Carnel was born into a rich family, and given anything his parents could give him. Food, clothing, toys, you name it. He grew in such a fashion along with his older brother, Vincent. One day, a special gift was given to him: his very first Duel Monsters deck. Carnel was curious as to what it was at first, but as he learned more about Duel Monsters, he was ecstatic. As he grew, his love for Duel Monsters grew as well. His brother had taken Duel Monsters as a career and grew to be a famous Duelist.

Carnel wanted to be like his brother, and use his love for Duel Monsters for a career in the pro scene. Many saw this as Carnel wanting to catch up to his brother. As a result, they began to compare Carnel to his brother, and it was the same wherever he went. At first, Carnel didn't mind, but as time passed, Carnel began to notice this, and saw how few people recognized his own achievements. It was always "Vincent's brother" this and "Vincent's brother" that. Carnel couldn't stand it. Eventually, he managed to secure an application to Saotome Duel Institute, where he planned to carve his own path, hopefully without being compared to his brother again.

[b]Wish:[/b] To be recognized as a Duelist, and not a person in the shadow of his brother.

[u]Spell Card[/u]
Name: Grinding Levels
Type: Normal
Effect: Return 1 "LV" monster from your hand to your Deck. Draw 2 cards.
Monsters: 20
Destiny Hero Plasma x 1
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 x 1
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 x 2
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4 x 2
Grinder Golem x 1
Lava Golem x 1
Jinzo x 1
Cardcar D x 1
Cyber Valley x 1
Dandylion x 1
Spell Stryker x 2
Spirit Reaper x 2
Cobra Jar x 1
Cosmic Compass x 1
Phantom Skyblaster x 1
Elemental HERO Stratos x 1

Spells: 16
Pot of Greed x 1
*Grinding LVs x 1
Level Up! x 1
Scapegoat x 2
Mystical Space Typhoon x 1
Fires of Doomsday x 2
Fiend's Sanctuary x 2
Swords of Revealing Light x 1
Double Summon x 1
Forbidden Lance x 2
Level Modulation x 1
Stray Lambs x 1

Traps: 5
Royal Decree x 3
Trap Stun x 1
Breakthrough Skill x 1