Hello! This is my first roleplay on this website! I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and this is mostly driven by my fear of poor quality, so I may have gotten a bit carried away.

The title of this rp is "The Heart of the Kiln", a name that has its origins in the nature of a main setting that will be featured for most likely the majority of the plot as it unfolds. The Kiln is an artificial planetoid, but it would be more accurately described as a giant energy tap. Indeed, that is the superstructure's main purpose, to tap into the emissions of the powerful star that it orbits.

The robot in the above drawing is the main character, and he is the only one at this moment, although there will without a doubt be others at a later point.

During the course of this roleplay, it would be best to not introduce too many plot elements into the story, seeing as an excess in this department would make everyone's jobs much more difficult. So... if you feel that you might do any of this by placing in a plethora of flat characters, you might want to reconsider what you're doing!