[center][h3][b][color=0054a6]Dorian Fimbulvetr[/color][/b][/h3]
[sub]Future Husband of Atallia Faeron [@NarcissisticPotato], Liana Kasmussen [@RomanAria], and Aubree Lamay [@Ellion][/sub][/center]

[color=0054a6][b]"I warn you Eliza, if you have led me astray you will deeply regret it."[/b][/color]

[color=00a651][b]"I would never lie to you, my lord husband."[/b][/color]

Through the halls of Shadow Worth walked a Drakken who stood taller with a darker look than most of his peers. His black hair was tied behind his head, he wore his typical black ceremonial armor, and at his waist hung a pair of curved swords. Though his first Bridal Selections those years ago had proved wrought with conflict and opposition, steady proving of himself and ruthlessness where it counted had ensured that Dorian's reputation had grown to ensure the wise Drakken steered out of his way. As such, the doors of the fortress were opened easily before him, and though his presence on the second day of selection raised more than a few eyebrows, none of the guards were foolish enough to say a word of it within his earshot. 

Walking beside him, her position as his wife denoted by the silver metal choker inlaid with a single large emerald around her neck, was a Gem named Eliza Celestine. She was peculiar by wife standards in that she had reached her mid-twenties in age and had lost neither her life nor a shred of her beauty. Her golden hair was tied into a long tail that hung down her back, leaving her face and neutral expression clear to the world, and she wore a dark green winter dress that served to keep her warm while accenting her features. She stood close to her husband, more for protection than affection, as they made their way through the all too familiar halls.

[color=00a651][b]"I was once an attendant to a royal bride who had been delayed to the second day. The idea must be of haggard or unwhole candidates, but I can assure you there is plenty of beauty to be found here today,"[/b][/color] she continued, [color=00a651][b]"Beauty that would be wasted on the mongrels who swarm here thinking those of your caliber absent, husband."[/b][/color]

[color=0054a6][b]"You had best hope your words ring true,"[/b][/color] he replied coldly, [color=0054a6][b]"Else you will find yourself without breath for half a month. I have staked much by refraining from selecting on the first day."[/b][/color]

[b][color=00a651]"If I am wrong, you may hang me by the gates in warning."[/color][/b]

[b][color=0054a6]"That is enough speech. From now until we depart, you will speak only when I speak to you."[/color][/b]

Eliza nodded silently as the final doors opened before them. Inside was a scene that Dorian nearly found repulsive; second-rate bottom feeder Drakken filled the room, armed with crude and unkempt weapons, some of them already coming to blows over Gems he would not even consider taking as handmaidens to his wives. And yet, for all he saw that displeased him, a lingering search found some truth to ring in Eliza's words. Scattered about the crowd of leftovers were a surprising number of charming candidates, and he found himself intrigued by a choice few of them. 

Most prominently was a slender redhead standing toward the front. She had beauty worthy of Gem nobility in her features, and as she scanned the room she seemed to hold the same disgust at her present company as he did. She had a sense of dignity, then; that was good. She would make for a fine wife, once he was finished with her. But he would have to act fast if he wished to claim her.

[color=0054a6][b]"You,"[/b][/color] he boomed to call both her attention and those of the surrounding Drakken, [color=0054a6][b]"You will do, as a start. Come here."[/b][/color]

She complied as he beckoned, her head held as high as she could dare without offering insult. Decorum as well, then; perhaps there was a diamond or two to be found among the coal after all. They exchanged names, and he waved away her questions for now as he bade her stand near. There was a speck, a glimpse of defiance in her eyes that she sheltered away quickly, but Dorian paid it no mind. There would be time aplenty to stamp that out at home. 

The rattling of chains drew his attention as one of the Gems, bound and gagged to an extreme, rattled against her binds. The Drakken that had been looking at her backed away in fright, as though she were some sort of caged beast. Pathetic. Dorian flicked his fingers at his wife and bride to follow closely behind him, and he made his way over to the bandaged guard standing near her. 

[b][color=0054a6]"And what, pray tell, is the reason for these binds?"[/color][/b] he asked.

[b]"Ah, my lord, this Gem is... troublesome, and had to be restrained lest she delay our journey further."[/b] the guard replied.

[color=0054a6][b]"Delay it? How could she delay it in the first place?"[/b][/color]

[b]"There, ah, was an attack on the caravan, my lord,"[/b] the guard continued to stammer, [b]"A pack of wild cats, and while we dealt with them she-"[/b]

He was cut short as Dorian forcefully grabbed his chin to look at the injuries to his face. 

[color=0054a6][b]"I [i]despise[/i] falsehoods,"[/b][/color] he said with frozen words, [color=1b1464][b]"These are not the wounds of a wild cat. They are the marks of a brawl."[/b][/color]

The truth of the matter dawned swiftly on him as the signs came together. A subtle, wicked sneer came to the corners of his mouth as he understood what had happened. 

[color=0054a6][b]"You mean to tell me,"[/b][/color] he said in a brutal and mocking tone, [color=1b1464][b]"That you were nearly overpowered and injured to this degree by this Gem?"[/b][/color]

A chorus of laughter followed as the Drakken gathered came to realize the guard's shame. His pale face flushed red with embarrassment as his stammer worsened.

[b]"S-she's stronger than she appears my lord! I was not prepared for such-"[/b]

[color=0054a6][b]"I will witness that for myself. Release her."[/b][/color]

[b]"Ah... beg pardon, my lord?"[/b]

[color=0054a6][b]"I said to release her."[/b][/color]

[b]"I would, ah, recommend against that my lord, she-"[/b]

[color=0054a6][b]"I said [i]release her.[/i] I will not repeat myself again."[/b][/color]

As the guard hastened to obey him, Dorian turned to his wives.

[color=0054a6][b]"Eliza. Take your newly made sister-bride and stand away."[/b][/color]

[color=00a651][b]"As you say. Come, Bree."[/b][/color] Eliza replied quickly as she took Aubree by the arm and stepped back.

Dorian picked up Bree, wants to see Liana's strength for himself. 

Eliza's Picture: