[@Polaris North][@AimeChamber] Eryn sure enough had been listening, though he was careful not to tune out the others. He had an eye on the boy who silently woke his way through the crowd, discreetly healing some who appreciated Emily's tricks the least. He looked over hearing Ryoshi and gave a smile and a wave to Ivo. He wouldn't be the first student to have these issues, but he was one of the few that was legitimately upset over it. Most acted tougher than they were as a means of hiding their insecurity. Though that was true in general. He had a theory or two about the Raiju's behavior too. He looked up hearing the bell toll and announcement was made for all students to return to their rooms, that their classroom assignments would be delivered later. Amelia, however, was not in the clock tower anymore. Eryn stood, but he didn't leave yet, wondering if Ivo would want to talk, not wanting to the interaction on the poor fellow, though he would seek him out later if he didn't. He looked at his list of names, wondering how many would fight opening up to him. [@thewizardguy][@Silver Carrot] "It's rude to call someone uninteresting just because they're not a deliquent like you," the short, brown haired girl quipped, having followed along once seeing them sneak away after Katerina leave, "Big shocker, no pun intended, but this isn't as forbidden as you think. The places you really can't go are warded to prevent even high level magic to get through," she said as she walked to the edge, "Ah, this is a perfect launch point, though," she put her hand on her hip before looking at the two, "Why exactly are you trying to get in trouble, btw?" She asked, actually using the chat speak, titling her head.