[@thewizardguy][@SanaChan] Eilidh folded her arms, and huffed, though still smiling. "Hey, Glasgow's a city full of large monstrosities of steel and glass. I've only seen them from the back of a car, though. But this, this architecture. This is real beauty! I think it's the Greek in me just preferring old fashioned, 'proud' buildings to...large grey boxes, honestly. Though you're right about the hobbies. I'm not sure what i'll be doing here when it's not lessons now I'm away from home." She stepped closer when Emily went onto the railing, looking worried even though she knew Emily could fly, and bit back her warning to be careful. It was just in the nature of a girl with a cumbersome beast to watch somebody else put themselves in a dangerous situation where they need to be nimble...it was just hard to watch. Eilidh grabbed the railing to give herself some security, and looked everywhere but down. She jumped when she sensed there was another person on the bridge, and instantly prepared for dire consequences, but it appeared to be just another student. "I, um. I'm not trying to get in trouble," the centaur spluttered, "Emily just wanted to show me this view. I...generally don't get to see things this high up. I'm looking forward to getting back down either." she chuckled and shuffled one of her legs. "So, what's your name? Mine's Eilidh Chiron."