Haha I was seriously thinking about maybe asking about Jessie and the human on my side. Of course you don't know him yet, so I was going to wait. Devin would be strongly, and I mean strongly against even the thought of it though. A little hint; he as been keeping the watcher and his family a secret from everyone. Actually I had planed on Violet and Cadence, but Rachael was just a extra, then I thought of a few awesome ideas for her and back story. So I kept her as well. My other male was so Devin wouldn't be the only man in a group full of women, and he is also a small twist as well. Hehe another fight sounds like it would be fun for them. Though this time Devin will be the one to give up. Because as much as he doesn't trust her, he wants to. And he will make Violet stay back. Oh my! Okay now you got me really excited! Post already woman =P I'm kidding of course take your time!