[hider=Yukihara] Name: Yukihara Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: Snow-Girl History: As a Snow-girl, Yukihara has spent most of her time living on a mountain. Yukihara has always wanted to get off the mountain, so she ran away. In the city she found out people generally don't appreciate being partially frozen when (accidentally) bumping into her. Naturally she ran into trouble more often than she preferred. When she heard about the school she took the money she earned "sculpting" ice statues and once more ran away from the place she had called home. Class preference: History Math Science English Preferred elective courses: Art, combat training (PE) In need of the summer program: No. Anything extra pertinent about your stay here: Yukihara emanates a frigid aura that freezes people on touch, so she tends to walk on an elevated walkway made of ice or simply waits until the crowd has dispersed. Being so strongly related to the cold, Yukihara gets dizzy and weak when it's hot. [/hider]