I've told you before that Seth's done everything he can possibly do in this chapter. If I haven't posted it's because I'm still waiting for you guys to wrap up your encounters and return to the ship.
If so I elect Drake to be the princess of light. I think we can all agree he would look divine in a dress and tiara
<Snipped quote by Arty Fox>
Umm, we don't need another Princess of Heart; we need another person with the 'Seeker' Keyblade (not to be confused with the Star Seeker) that will point the way to the tomb of Ascot.
<Snipped quote by Letter Bee>
Is a "Seeker" really necessary, though? Why wouldn't Tocsax simply remember where the tomb is?
If Seth gets to be a Princess of Heart, can Ryteb be a Prince of Darkness? He really wants to wear a cape
If so I elect Drake to be the princess of light. I think we can all agree he would look divine in a dress and tiara
If so I elect Draketo be the princess of light. I think we can all agree he would look divine in a dress and tiara