"Actually.." Masuto spoke up as the group began to move. He counted head and looked around. He was getting a plan that would reduce the time spent in Republic city. As much as he wanted to stay with Zenji, his own plan was just as important. He stood still and thought for a moment on the best way to divide the team into two. They had himself, Zenji, Mizuki, Zhou, and now Han. He figured that since very few people knew about him as the avatar, and a few more knew about the ongoing air bender purge, he was going to split the group into two and three people. "I need to go somewhere important right now and I think that if we split up we'll spend less time here and we can get a move on." He looked over at Han to continue. "You'll be going with me to act as extra muscle, and Kuei will be going with us as well." He then turned to the rest of them. "Zhou and Mizuki will stay with you, Zenji, while you go and find your bison." He paused to think about it. Would it really be the best idea to split up? It might take some more time but at least they would be safer together. He shook his head. "Never mind." He said as he started to walk. "Let's go get your bison, then we can worry about the library later."