[@AimeChambers] Eryn gave a smile as Ivo came over and introduced him, "A pleasure to meet you, Ivo! I hope tremendously that we can guide you forward so you can be more confident in your abilities," he said as Nero came over, holding Ivo's room and class assignments. "Sorry to interrupt, but I'm guessing you're going to want to know where to go. I promise I haven't been eavesdropping for anything other than a name," he put his hands up once Eryn had taken the papers from him and turned to go back towards the teachers' hall. "Here you go," Eryn handed the papers to Ivo once he had written some information on the back of the class assignments, "That's my room number in the school building," he pointed to it, "My email and my cell phone number in case you need to contact me at any point. I know a thing or two that could help you when you're struggling with something," he smirked, "I don't want to give any promises about what you and Mr. Hanamaru discussed, but I don't think our beloved headmistress is going to deny you something that is positive for you. That being said, you could probably discuss this with your roommate. He is a unicorn, and he was walking around in human form. He might be able to give you a pointer or two," he said, pointing to his roommate's name, "Why don't you head to the dorm's and go say hello? I think it might help calm your nerves once your in your own space," he smiled at the teen. Said roommate was currently unpacking his things in the room, having slid away after the bell tolled, figuring he'd get his class assignments later that night. With their room assignments there was a code to a P.O. box for their personal use in the lobby. He'd check it that night for the class list. He looked at his roommate's name and wondered lazily who that was- he'd had his headphones in so he'd overheard absolutely nothing dealing with the wolf. He shrugged, glancing towards the door, idly wondering if he should remove his headphones so he could hear whenever he came in. Suddenly popping a horn from getting a jump scare wouldn't be a good first impression after all. --------------------------- When Nero entered the main lobby area, Nuka had come back out of her room and was sitting in the lobby with the window open as she had a lit cigarette in her mouth as she flipped through the channels on the tv. Nero raised a brow as she had pulled a chair up behind the couch and had her legs up on the back of the couch, "You realize the couch reclines, yes?" "So?" Nero shrugged and continued towards his room. She was exceptionally stubborn when she wanted to be, and he'd learned it was pointless to even [i]try[/i] to see reason with her in those particular moods. Not that she was actually in one now. She had only decided after lighting the cigarette to watch tv but knew Katerina got angry if she moved the ash tray from the place by the window and so this made it slightly easier to reach that while still being able to see the tv.