Here's to starting from scratch... [hider=Dante Benedetti] [img][/img] "Yo, I just wanna eat in peace...Heh. [i]Freshman[/i]." Name: Dante Benedetti Mutant Alias: Phantom Nickname: L'italiano; The Omega Project Age: 22 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Occupation: Field Agent; Logan's TA Description of Appearance: Dante towers at 6'1'' which isn't particularly tall but add his well-toned frame and the result is an impressive figure. The vibrant-blue eyed male styles his hazelnut colored hair in a medium fade with the sideburns arching around the temples and peaking down along the jaw into a sharp point. He normally shaves off his facial hair but is also known to leave a "5 o'clock shadow" from time to time. His lightly tan skin tone is inked with oriental dragon sleeves on both forearms. Style: Dante sports mostly streetwear but can be elegant if the occasion calls for it. You'll see him around the city in his favorite wine-red leather jacket with dark aviators concealing his blue eyes. Around the mansion, you might catch him in the hallway wearing denim jeans and a basic black or gray tank top. "Delving A Little Deeper..." Likes: + Street Racing + Music: Rap, Rock, Metal and Country + Competitive Sports + Sweets + Fashion + Drinks Dislikes: - Airplanes (lol) - Vegetables - Attitudes - Books - Homework - Flirts - Tight Spots Mutation: Dante has an intricate system of veins, separate from his circulatory system but similar in function, that carry highly concentrated plasma energy; he's able to channel the plasma into his hands to form deadly spheres that can power to the size of a beach-ball. Unfortunately, he does not possess, yet, the level of concentration required to channel such degree of power and thus his plasma spheres power to the size of baseballs. The plasma spheres shoot at will and cause violent explosions upon impact. A secondary consequence of his mutation is his ability to coat himself in a layer of plasma for the purpose of melee engagement; he can't yet turn full-body and so he only uses plasma gauntlets for hand-to-hand combat. His third and perhaps most powerful ability is also the one that has the most extreme consequences on his body after use - Dante can [i]self-destruct[/i], unleashing a ferocious wave of energy that explodes a sizable radius around him but at the same time leaving him in a fatal condition. Strengths: Dante possess incredible mental strength; his ability to endure physical pain is second to none. He's perfect for missions or situations that require a head-on lead that can test the waters, usually when an enemy has unknown parameters, Dante goes in to take the first blows. Weaknesses: The above being said, Dante isn't the smartest person in the world so he isn't the best to follow orders; he improvises but can be a wildcard in that sense. Personality: Dante is a charismatic, sincere person but wasn't always that way. He doesn't dwell on yesterday but doesn't bother looking ahead either; Dante tries to live each day as it comes, with it's challenges and accomplishments. He's grateful for the place he has with the X-Men, especially given his history and where he's come from. It's not easy to push his buttons; you'd have to really try to piss him off and even then he might just shrug it off but he's definitely not neutral. He has his beliefs in place and well grounded. Dante speaks his mind even when perhaps it isn't appropriate which has gotten him in trouble before. Despite appearing apathetic at times, Dante has a very competitive mind and is always good for a challenge. Growing up in a government base was hell for Dante, he didn't speak much which is why he was given the name Phantom, a person that went through the world as a transparent remnant that influenced nothing, which just sort of stuck even during his time now with the X-Men. He kept to himself but was known to be very violent when tested. He had some serious inner demons that where eventually suppressed but they lie deep within the most secret confinements of his mind, rage, hopelessness and regret. What Dante seeks most is to make sense out of the occurrences in his life. "Delving Even More Deeper..." History: Dante never met his mother or father; he was given away to an orphanage at a very early age. It was at the age of four that his powers first manifested themselves when he blew up a chunk of the old building. When authorities arrived, they found a boy unconsciousness near the impact point. The next time he woke up, Dante found himself locked in a cell. He was taken into custody by a shady science institution, a secret division of the US Government. He was official stamped as the Omega Project and it was how most of his captors referred to him as. He was studied, experimented on and forced to fight against other mutants. He was rarely allowed outside and spent an inhumane amount of time in isolation which is why now he can't stand being within unreasonably enclosed spaces. Phantom, as he was colloquially nicknamed, spent fourteen years kept against his will except he was taught too well. At the age of eighteen, after yet another trial against another mutant, Dante was being transported back to his cell when he annihilated his captors before they could sedate him. After wreaking havoc across the entire base, Dante manged to escape but had sustained fatal wounds in the process. He was found at the brink of death by an elderly gentleman that was kind enough to tend to his wounds. As it turned out, the elderly man was a martial arts practitioner and had a wealth of resources at his disposal. During the next several months, he taught Dante much needed meditation skills in a rehabilitation process. After being under the man's tutelage, Dante finally decided it was time for him to find his own path, a meaning to his life. In a chance encounter, he met the Wolverine and after a brawl against some relatively unknown foes was invited to go to Xavier's school for the gifted where he now resides. Other: [Here you can include if you character has any personal artifacts, weapons or even a theme song. This is Optional.] [/hider]