Ivo couldn't keep a mirroring smile of his own from slipping over his face, it seemed Eryn definitely had a talent of socializing and helping others. He was hoping that the teachers would be able to help him with his abilities, but was a wee bit embarrassed if he had to have anything about his own feelings. Even Ivo had the dignity of his people when it came to that kind of stuff. The werewolf gave another bow to the counselor and was about to say something else when some other teacher showed up his with room and class assignments. It was good to have the actual papers in his hands, these were the first things that Ivo had received from the academy, giving him an excitement rush of what this school year would bring. It would be quite a while since he left these walls, especially since he was staying the breaks such as winter and summer as well to work on his transformations. Ivo knew he would miss his parents a little bit, but they were finally going to get to experience human society and if they were happy, so was he. It was good to get the extra info from the counselor, Ivo probably would be too embarrassed to have to go looking for that kind of information by himself. It was very nice that he hadn't had to go through that huge crowd to get the papers themselves, the Were wasn't used to so many living creatures at once, after all. Since Ryoshi had never formally introduced himself, it was nice to know his name was Mr. Hanamaru, Ivo would do his best to remember it. So his roommate was a... unicorn?! Ivo had thought they were just some kind of child fairy tale! The Were listened with his jaw dropped open, it would be really amazing to meet this person! Ivo gave a quick nod to the teacher and said his farewells, before heading for the dorm building to look up his room number. The boy started climbing the stairs two at a time, being a werewolf had its advantages after all. After a long time, he found the room, having been already bad with directions. The boy took a deep breath and tried to put his key into the lock, before finding out the door was unlocked. He opened it to see a platinum blonde, actually his hair was probably pure white, unpacking. The boy seemed to be a little younger than him, but his maturity level was probably quite a bit higher than Ivo's. He came into the room, his own white hair not covered by a hat anymore and smiled, [color=silver][b]"Hi there! I'm your new roommate Ivo Ebonvuk. Is it true you're a unicorn?!"[/b][/color] [@SanaChan]