[center][h2] - Emily 'Jolt' - [/h2][/center] [center][@Silver Carrot][@SanaChan][/center] At the mention of Glasgow Emily halts her precarious walk along the railing, looking over at Elidh and raising an eyebrow. "Are we really counting Glasgow here? What even IS there in Glasgow? I have been pretty much literally all over the world, so believe me, there is almost nowhere as boring as Glasgow." Of course, Emily herself had never been to Glasgow, but she didn't feel the need to mention that, safe in the knowledge that Elidh hadn't either. Or at least not really, as being in the car didn't count. Emily cast another appraising glance across the school yard, critically examining the ancient gargoyles and faded brickwork. It wasn't quite her style, although she supposed it definitely looked a dark fantasy sort of fancy. With a shrug Emily turned back to Elidh. "Not sure what the Greeks have to do with it, but to me it just looks like whoever built this was overly fond of pillars, and not so fond of colours. Or sunlight, for that matter." As she was addressed by the newcomer, Emily's face immediately returned to that slightly smug smirk that appeared to be her default. "Ew. Did you really just say 'btw' out loud? What are you even doing here?" With an exaggerated look of disgust and roll of the eyeballs Emily waved off the new girl, who had managed to pretty much immediately annoy Emily. "Sides, you're here the same as us, and you picked the lock, so it ain't my fault." Her previously exaggerated expression instantly shifted into an equally unlikely expression of innocence. "Suppose that makes all of us up here 'delinquents' doesn't it, huh?" Looking over the short girl, Emily sized her up, and decided as she usually did that she had nothing to fear from the brown-haired kid. "What are you even doing up here? You follow us up just to tell us we're delinquents, or you just a big fan of stairs?"