Proper initiation is done after 5 years of service, at which point, a member is revealed a great secret within Night Kiss -- the location of the headquarters. By this point one is truly a member. Until then, those who follow Night Kiss enjoy the benefits and do the work, however, could ultimately be denied or allowed to turn away from the group. We'll get on more of that with time. The point is that anyone who's been a member 5+ years is like Simeon and has been given a special trust (and likely ritual). Anyone less than such is familiar with the work and customs, but not privy to the greater secrets. Anyone a year or less has probably enjoyed a ton of training, but little for fully engaged work. For now everyone coming together is good enough. If someone wants their character to be introduced in another form, PM me and we can work it out. Otherwise, I can't post until the members accepted thus far have done so. Oh! OH! There is a good chance that some will not even know who they've been assigned to, given only the message in some form. Sorry, forgot to mention that. You can be creative with this, but the moons and the hint about the lights are hard fact. So yes, it could very well be six people who only vaguely know what to look for.