[@SanaChan] And then for the almost 20th time that day, Ivo was amazed. Now, the boy had always read those weird fairy tales where witches use weird magical ingredients like mist and the like. There was also harry potter that talked about using Unicorn Hair to make the base of the wand. But still, Ivo had [i]never[/i] thought that unicorns existed! His eyes widened and started to shine as he shouted, [color=silver][b]"That is totally wicked awesome!"[/b][/color] Which would probably rally some complaints from the neighbors next door. While the halls were rather rowdy since everyone was just unpacking, no one could really hear conversations over the normal chatter. And then a shout like that would come out. It was pretty obvious some newbie student had shouted. [color=silver][b]"All I've got are these..."[/b][/color] He pointed to his ears and tail, still feeling self-conscious and blushing a little.