[center][h2] - Emily 'Jolt' - [/h2][/center] [center][@SanaChan][/center] Oh what a hideously deformed ego she had encountered. It seemed Emily had discovered one of those children who think they're sufficiently above it all that they felt free to insult those around them. The prissy ones, who were always pretending to be 'better' than the rest in some way. Despite her clear advantage, more than one person had looked down at Emily over the course of her life time, using something like social status, money, or play-it-safe principles to lift themselves onto a pedestal. And while those kinds of people generally just struck Emily as ignorant, those individuals who waited atop their pedestal for the world to worship them made her blood run cold. It was a show of overblown hubris, especially from one so young, to think herself so much better than this 'delinquent'. Regardless of what would follow, certainly Emily would consider this person an Emily, and never a person worth making introductions with. Such people were the scum of the Earth, blind to their own stupidity because there Ego is in the way. Narrowing her eyes, Emily suppressed a growl. "Nice try, you should keep at it. If you keep going long enough, you might eventually learn to speak actual English like the rest of us." Based on what this person was saying, they had the ability to fly. That basically proved that they were some kind of monster, which was to be expected at this school, even if it was generally outside of Emily's own experience. It also meant that she didn't have to play as nice as she did with humans, who had very limited abilities when you really thought about it. If it turned out this girl was some kind of immense beast it would be fine to shock her as much as Emily wanted, right? Although given her particular stature, Emily doubted she was anything large. Maybe it was a dwarf, or a fairy. "If you're gonna jump off go ahead, if not get off my roof, midget." Of course, if all else failed, she was surely still allowed to dropkick a fairy.