[center][h2] - Emily 'Jolt' - [/h2][/center] [center][@Silver Carrot][@SanaChan][/center] Emily looked over at Elidh as she suggested a race. Clearly that wasn't what the prissy girl was trying to do, and it took a moment for Emily to figure out this was an attempt to defuse the situation. What, did she think Emily was stupid? Of course Emily could beat the midget girl in a race, but then again Emily was the fastest person she knew. One could even call her... lightning fast. With a snicker Emily returned her attention to the midget girl, who she realised had been saying something. Although it appeared she had also been interrupted, and it didn't take long to figure out by what. A woman of medium height had entered the room. She didn't look all that odd, all things considered, and certainly her appearance couldn't be called 'scary', but there was something about her that gave Emily chills. Maybe it was the air of authority. She had that look like she already knew everything worth knowing, but unlike other people, whom it had only given an air of pretentiousness in Emily's eyes, this woman managed to pull it off. Emily had been lucky enough only to have a single conversation with this ancient fossil, when she had first arrived at the school. A conversation that had gone amiably enough. As the headmistress placed what Emily could only think of as a cuff on the shorter girl Emily's hands remained firmly at her side. There was no way she was putting on some random weird magical junk. Certainly not if it came from HER. "You know you can't do that, right? Ain't no way that's legal. Right of privacy and all that. It's in the law, specially for someone who's only as old as me." Emily herself had been picked up often enough to know a thing or two about the law. Never for anything major, just stealing clothes, breaking and entering, and once for punching an officer in the face. Called it 'obstruction of the law' or something. Regardless, Emily was not letting the creepy witch lady put weird magical artifacts on her arms. And she certainly didn't want creepy witch lady knowing where she was all the time. The image of the woman sitting in her room, using a cauldron or whatever to peek in on all the children.... ew. That was just generally wrong, in a colourful variety of ways. "Hey, I only came up here to look at the view. I didn't cause no trouble, see? Me and midget over there were just having a conversation, after she interrupted me n.... E.. Ele..." Embarased, Emily spent a moment grasping her memory for her new friend's name. "Elidh, right, yeah."