Clyde stepped off the ferry, and upon touching the ground Flash his Jolteon came out of the Pokeball on its own and started running around on the ground. "Those were made to keep you in, yet somehow you always find a way to get out of them Flash." Clyde spoke to his Pokemon and in response Jolteon stopped and gave quite a happy look at Clyde and started running around him. Clyde grinned and looked at all the other students who were getting off and sending out their own Pokemon and made their way to the Academy. "Might as well as follow them right Flash?" Clyde said looking down at Flash only to find that Flash had already started running other trainers. Clyde simply laughed at this as he started walking with the crowd as well. Clyde took out a piece of paper and memorized who he had first. "Mr. Adams huh? Well I hope he doesn't mind Jolteon being apart of the class." Clyde mumbled as he looked over at Jolteon who kept on sniffing random people and their Pokemon