

This story begins with you [color=gray][i]dying[/i][/color]

You heard me right, you've died. It's okay to feel a bit upset, you might remember what happened and you might not have. Don't worry though, you're here now. I've got you, I've saved you. Who am I? Well, that's not important just yet. I've got a deal for you, if you'd like to take it. Let me know whenever you want dear since well.. we have some time. At least until your body starts decomposing. 

That makes things a bit more complicated.


In this roleplay you will play a person who has met their demise in some way or some how, maybe even someone. In a turn of events you have been given a second chance (omg a title drop) by this mysterious person. However, now that you have done this you are owned by them and you must do their bidding. What does this entail? Well, killing people and taking their souls of course! Duh! Now, you may be asking- "why can't I just take my new life and go back to my old one?" That sure does sound nice, but no one but the few other people with the same fate can see you, hear you, understand you, etc. Them and the bad souls you have to reap. Think of it as an in between world.

Weapons are relatively useless here so you must use your wit and skill to complete your tasks. Some will be more challenging than others and some will push you to your mental limits, but as long as you complete your tasks you can keep on living. Which is good, you suppose. It's better than dining with the maggots am I right?

What do you say? Do we have a deal?

[h3][i][color=gray]Rules & Regulations[/color][/i][/h3]
[color=black]▾[/color] When in doubt, pinky out.
[color=black]▾[/color] The golden rule applies in the ooc.
[color=black]▾[/color] No power playing or God modding characters.
[color=black]▾[/color] A b s o l u t e l y no one liners or speed posting.
[color=black]▾[/color] This is a mature roleplay but follow all RPG guidelines.


[h3][i][color=gray]Character Sheet[/color][/i][/h3]
[hider=We hardly knew them]
[center][h1][color=black]Your characters full name here[/color][/h1]
[image]Realistic image of your character goes here[image]
[color=black][sub]One line from your tombstone engravement[/sub][/color][/center]

[color=black]▾[/color] Name: 
[indent]Full name and nicknames if applicable[/indent]

[color=black]▾[/color] Age: 
[indent]Above 10 and below 100 please[/indent]

[color=black]▾[/color] Gender: 
[indent]Self explanatory[/indent]

[color=black]▾[/color] Sexuality: 
[indent]Also self explanatory[/indent]

[color=black]▾[/color] Relationship Status: 
[indent]Romance can blossom even after death[/indent]

[color=black]▾[/color] Piercings, Tattoos, Scars: 
[indent]If applicable[/indent]

[center][.hr]Another image of your character goes here[.hr][/center]

[center][color=black]▾[/color] Postive Trait [color=black]▾[/color] Negative Trait [color=black]▾[/color] Positive Trait [color=black]▾[/color] Negative Trait [color=black]▾[/color][/center]

[color=black]▾[/color] Skills: 
[indent]Anything within reason[/indent]

[color=black]▾[/color] Hometown: 
[indent]You are now stationed in New York, Usa[/indent]

[color=black]▾[/color] Cause of Death: 
[indent]Give us the gruesome details[/indent]

[color=black]▾[/color] Years Reborn: 
[indent]How long have you been reborn?[/indent]

[center][.hr]Another image of your character goes here[.hr][/center]

[color=black]▾[/color] Living Biography: 
[indent]Who were you before you died?[/indent]

[color=black]▾[/color] Postmortem Biography: 
[indent]Who are you now?[/indent][/code]
